Reset password for your APIANT account

If you forget or lost your password or if an OAUTH login method like Google, Twitter is not working, you always can request a new password for your APIANT account.

Here's how to do it:


1. Open or if APIANT page is already opened, click on "Sign In":

2. Next make sure to click on "Sign In with Email".

3. On the right side type in your email address. As password just type in any kind of numbers (e.g. 1234).

4. A pop up window appears where you can click on "I forgot, email me a new password".

5. Acknowledge the next window by clicking on "OK".

6. Go to your email app/webmail and look for the email sent to you with your temporary password.

7. Do not forget to immediately change your password to your own after signing in.


8. Click on your username in the upper right corner. Click on "Manage".

9. Click on "Change password".

10. Put in your old password followed by your new password. Click on "Update".

11. A green message bar will appear as confirmation for your changed password.

Once again click on "Update" to exit the Manage Account screen.